Poster Printing Guide | Poster Pigeon UK
/Poster Printing Advice and Tips
What are UK paper sizes?
A0 posters 841mm x 1189mm. or 33.1" x 46.8"
A1 posters 594mm x 841mm. or 23.4" x 33.1"
A2 posters 420mm x 594mm. or 16.5" x 23.4"
A3 posters 297mm x 420mm. or 11.7" x 16.5"
A4 posters 210mm x 297mm. or 8.3" x 11.7"
All of these paper sizes are related to one another - Successive paper sizes in the series A1, A2, A3, and so forth, are defined by halving the preceding paper size along the larger dimension and rounding down. (Technically speaking they all based on a single aspect ratio of square root of 2, or approximately 1:1.4142).
If your not sure which A size you require, simply select the size dimensions closest to your requirements, and ask for 'Trim to artwork' at the checkout. If you're in any doubt, just give us a call. See our Poster Prices
Here's a useful diagram to show the successive sizes
Poster-size-infographic illustrating the DIN A series of paper sizes and the 'Letter' and 'Legal' Sizes.